5 consecutive Saturdays: 09h00 to 17h30
5 consecutive Tuesday evenings: 17h30 to 20h30
R14 600
5 consecutive weekdays: Monday – Friday 09h00 to 17h30
R7 300
5 consecutive weekdays: Monday – Friday 09h00 to 17h30
R7 300
An SA Sailing (SAS) Day Skipper is qualified to skipper a sail boat on inland waters during daylight hours at sea from sunrise to sunset, in local waters. A Day Skipper is also qualified to skipper a power boat under 100 tons on inland waters. This course gives a sound grounding in Coastal Navigation and Yacht Management. It is designed for students who are competent to crew on a yacht. It can be done over 5 full Saturdays and 5 Tuesday evenings, OR as a 10 weekdays course from 19h00 to 17h30. The Day Skipper practical component is taught on a Miura. The success of the course is indicated by the number of our students who now own and skipper their own yachts overseas or in South Africa.
During this course you will learn:
The SAS requirements for the Day Skipper ticket are as follows:
Items students are requested to purchase before doing the course:
These items can be obtained directly from Action Yachting at the Royal Cape Yacht Club, and from either Chart World, or from Chart International, both in Foregate Square, Duncan Road, Duncan Dock (small red brick office buildings just inside the dock when entered from the Heerengracht). The full-time theory course is aimed at yachtsmen who are in complete control of their yacht at sea, but need to know more about navigation, colregs and GPS. Successful candidates will pass the SAS Day Skipper Practical and Theory Exams. The theory for all our courses is done in our classroom at the Royal Cape Yacht Club. The tickets issued for all Day Skipper tickets are based on the International Merchant Shipping Act (National Small Vessel Safety) Regulations 2007. This course can be done over 2 weeks in one, or split into two modules: the theory or the practical module. There is also an exam.
Fee includes all course notes. Sailing from Royal Cape Yacht Club. Meet at 08h00 Good Hope Sailing Academy’s classroom, Royal Cape Yacht Club. To register with SAS for the Day Skipper ticket, you will need:
A comprehensive manual
Please review the required essential items needed before you do this course! They are listed on the left in the course description.
The course is taught to SA Sailing’s syllabus. It is internationally accepted. A certificate of competence and a log book is issued on completion.
Please deposit 25% of the course fee into the Good Hope Sailing Academy account.
Current account No. 4104719892.
Branch code 632005.
Reference: Name & Course
NB: Please don’t forget to advise Perry-Anne Davies by e-mail skipper@goodhopesa.co.za when you have paid the deposit, stating: 1) Your name 2) The amount 3) The course you wish to do 4) The date